Our Line Card

Our Line Card Is About Quality Over Quantity
The Brands We Represent

As an orga­ni­za­tion, the most valu­able thing we have to offer is time. Our selec­tion process is a lot like a retailer’s. We scru­ti­nize every ele­ment of the brand and prod­uct to make sure it is posi­tioned for suc­cess before enter­ing into an agree­ment. Being a busi­ness that is funded by sales com­mis­sions, we only work with brands that will deliver results.

Under­stand­ing the Retailer’s Needs

Our process begins with tak­ing the retailer’s needs into consideration.

  • Who is their customer?
  • What are they shop­ping for?
  • What prod­ucts are their cus­tomers pur­chas­ing elsewhere?
  • How can we drive traf­fic to their assortment?
  • How do we drive inter­ac­tion within their assortment?
  • How can we add value to their assortment?
  • Does the prod­uct com­pli­ment or can­ni­bal­ize sales from the other items on the shelf?
  • What prod­ucts can make their cur­rent assort­ments stronger?
We Care­fully Vet our Part­ners to Ensure
  • They are able to meet the pro­duc­tion demands of retail
  • They have a sup­ply chain that is able to han­dle fulfillment
  • The man­u­fac­turer is capa­ble of meet­ing the retailer’s unique require­ments of the retailer’s stores
  • The prod­ucts are right for an indi­vid­ual retailer’s assortment
Brand and Prod­uct Selec­tion Process

When review­ing brands and prod­ucts for rep­re­sen­ta­tion con­sid­er­a­tion, we start with the retailer’s needs. We under­stand each and every SKU on a retailer’s shelf needs to be able to pull its own weight. We con­sider slow mov­ing items and one time buys as fail­ures. We ask some key ques­tions to gain an under­stand­ing of the retailer’s brand and cat­e­gories. Then we look within the land­scape to find prod­ucts that will increase sales. If a prod­uct does not have the poten­tial of cre­at­ing cat­e­gory lift, it is not worth mer­chan­dis­ing and not worth the effort of developing.

Key Fac­tors We Look For
  • Can we sell an expe­ri­ence instead of a product?
  • Can we tear down tra­di­tional bar­ri­ers of purchase?
  • Can we make it eas­ier for the cus­tomer to purchase?
  • Can we cre­ate more touch points for the retailer?
  • Can we cre­ate a per­son­al­ized shop­ping experience?
  • Can we cre­ate the per­fect in-store shop­ping experience?
  • Can we use big data to cre­ate a bet­ter shop­ping experience?
  • Can we cre­ate cat­e­gory lift inside the retailer’s category?
  • Can we cre­ate repeat business?
Par­tial Client List:



Click & Grow

Neato Robot­ics