We mix great dig­i­tal brands with the great con­nected con­sumer prod­ucts and sell it in retail.

Areas of Focus


We give you a way to resell non-competing dig­i­tal offer­ings in your stores by blend­ing great con­nected hard­ware and the most pop­u­lar dig­i­tal offer­ings on the mar­ket.  Just because it’s dig­i­tal, does not mean you can’t resell it and make a healthy mar­gin along the way!


Our con­nected hard­ware part­ners give you the abil­ity to cre­ate expe­ri­ences in the phys­i­cal world that drive new cus­tomer acqui­si­tion and facil­i­tate growth.  Our retail part­ners give you the abil­ity to sell beyond the App and Play store and meet your cus­tomers in the phys­i­cal world.


We bring your con­nected con­sumer prod­ucts to the top dig­i­tal brands and top retail­ers in the mar­ket.  We work with you to cre­ate cus­tom pro­grams that drive sales and under­cut the competition.

Our Line Card Is About Qual­ity Over Quantity

Learn About Our Selec­tion Process

About Us

Estab­lished in 2012, Foot­print Reps LLC is a lead­ing Man­u­fac­tur­ers’ Rep firm cen­trally located in the Mid­west­ern United States.  We have worked with the largest retail­ers in the US, as well as with many smaller inde­pen­dent chains, allow­ing us to develop mar­kets by lever­ag­ing our expe­ri­ence and key rela­tion­ships. Foot­print Reps LLC takes branded con­sumer prod­ucts from the stages of early adopter to main­stream mar­ket­place in US retail by estab­lish­ing an ecosys­tem of dis­trib­u­tor and retail part­ners across the country.

Learn More About Us

For Retail­ers

We real­ize your time is lim­ited, so when we reach out we mean busi­ness. We put com­plete and con­cise pro­grams together so you are able to turn a com­plex mer­chan­dis­ing deci­sion into a sim­ple process.

Learn About Our Process

For Man­u­fac­tur­ers

We pro­vide imme­di­ate access to the US mar­ket, and we give man­u­fac­tur­ers the abil­ity to turn their sales force into a vari­able cost.

Why Foot­print Reps

What The Press Says About Our Partners